Thursday, November 01, 2007

St. Gallen - Abbey Library

Maps and atlases from 8th to 18th century - exhibition in the Abbey Library of St. Gallen.

Sed ideo aequinoctialis circulus inhabitabilis est quia sol per medium caelum currens nimium his locis facit fervorem. Codex 240, Chelles-sur-Marne monastery, about 800 CE.

Si quis diligit me sermonem meum servabit. Et pater meus diligit eum et ad eum veniemus et mansionem apud eum faciemus. Codex 367, St. Gallen monastery, about 840 CE.

Paradisus est locus in orientis partibus constitutus cuius vocabulum ex greco in latinum vertitur ortus. Porro hebraice Eden dicitur quod in nostra lingua delicie interpretatur quod utrumque iunctum facit ortum deliciarum, est enim omni genere ligni et pomiferarum arborum consitus habens etiam lignum vite. Incunabulum 800, Augsburg 1472 November 19.

Would you like to learn reading old manuscripts? Have an on-line training in Adfontes (registration is free). There are other interesting Adfontes sites, like here and here , or have a look at Wikipedia (St. Gallen, and abbey of St. Gall); see also Codices Electronici Sangallenses (CESG) – Virtual Library.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Art books and peace poems are arriving
As if the gulf stream had changed its course....
But without words...

An analyst friend once told me:
"When you send messages...
Use your wornds, not other people's please..."
And so I'm wondering
If you're busy fullfilling promises
Taking off weights from your shoulders
Or if, like the swallows in winter
Your mind flies southwards
To rest on the curl of some catherdral carvinng....